All for one, and one for all!
Fan trips
No matter the town, no matter the country, we'll be there! Our boys are delighted with all the support they get away from home too. Information on travel offers for away matches are published here - so you can go wherever we play.
Fan Charter
Together with our active fans, we have drawn up a Fan Charter to outline the work between the club and the fans - and in particular the behaviour in and around the stadium.
Fan Clubs
Raging Bulls |
Raging Youth |
Alarmstufe RotWeiss Salzburg |
Collectivo |
The Real Bulls |
Ostblock-Bullen |
Fire Bulls Voggenberg |
Lebenslang Salzburg |
Bulln Festung Wien |
Evolution Salzburg |
Violett Bulls |
El Toro |
Red White Wings |
Red Fighters |
Nordkurve Salzburg |
Bullenfront |
FairPlay Bulls |
Mostibären |
The Sitting Bulls |
Friendly Bulls |
Bulls En Rouge |
Family Bulls |
Salzachlöwen |
Steirercafe 05 |
Legion Juvavum |
Fireflies |
The Clerks |
Supporters Club Faistenau |
1. FC N.O.S. |
Gnadenlos Positiv |
Air Bulls Salzburg |
Fanbullous |
Fanatics Salzburg |
Pinzgau Bulls |
Red Generation |
St. Peter Supporters Salzburg |
Generation Süd |
Schottenbulls |
Flachgau Bulls |
Red Bull Tigers |
Soizburg Rabauken |
The Bulls |
Raging Bulls Mostviertel |
Wild West Bulls |
Die Kapruner FC Pischelsdorf Wadlbeisser Vegaraner Bulls Kammls Fußballstammtisch Lungauer Patrioten Rising Bulls |
Drama Bulls RB-Tiefbrunnau WEST08 Fighting Bulls Ybbstal The WEST-Bulls Schurli's Bulls |
Erlauftaler Bulls St. Johann/Pongau Die feuchten Biber United Tauernklinikum Bulls 5020er Fortezza Salzburg |
Faistenau Voralpen Bullen Schnitzi Bulls Waldviertler Bullen Fans Altgnigler Pass Bulls Stammtisch Friedlwirt |