
Wings for Life Warm Up Run

Gear up together on 23 April

The Wings for Life World Run is returning in May, and close to two weeks beforehand comes our Warm-Up Event with the EC Red Bull Salzburg ice hockey pros. On Saturday 23 April 2022, we are all going to warm up for the main event together. Participation is completely free of charge and very easy – just come along and run! Also taking part, along with players and coaches from our club will be Wings for Life World Run ambassadors like Andreas Goldberger - and our eSports Pro Fabio Özelt.


Location: Volksgarten, Salzburg
Date: Saturday 23 April 2022
Event starts: 12:00 noon
Race starts: 15:00 CET

The warm-up is an open event. There is no registration necessary and no fee required. Due to various route options, everyone will find the right distance for them:

  • Kids Run (U12)
    900 m → a lap around the Volksgarten
  • Youth Run (U16) 
    1,987 m → two laps of the Volksgarten + final sprint
  • Wings for Life Warm Up Run
    Hundertwasserallee – Flyover bridge – Salzburg South Bicycle bridge – Flyover bridge – Karolinen bridge → Hundertwasserallee (5.49 / 10.987 km)


  • A superb atmosphere is ensured by our event car, music, live commentary, an after-run concert and more.
  • There will be a goodie bag for all participants.
  • Warm-up with VitaClub trainers at the Volksgarten event area.
  • Great entertainment offering for young and old - from face painting to a football cage.
  • Autograph sessions with EC Red Bull Salzburg players are planned.
  • You definitely won't get thirsty - there are catering options over the entire event complex.
  • Due to the limited number of parking spaces, we urge you to take public transport.


FC Red Bull Salzburg vs. FC Bayern München